Archive for the ‘Medical news’ Category

Democrat advantage a little overrated

Quinnipiac University released a poll yesterday that has incumbent Ted Strickland leading 43-38 over GOP challenger John Kasich in the gubernatorial race and has both Lee Fisher and Jennifer Brunner leading Rob Portman in the Senate race to succeed George Voinovichby 4 and 1 point(s), respectively.

Of course this news makes Democrats excited, but Republicans shouldn’t be too disappointed. In both races, there are a  very high number of undecideds, so there is a lot of room for Kasich and Portman to make up ground. In the race for governor, Strickland has been under 50% support for a long time and has not been moving, which is “typically worrisome signs for an incumbent” according to the pollster.

The race for the Senate is not much different. There is also a high number of undecideds in the race, but the plus for Portman is that by a 46-44 margin, Ohioans do not want a Senator that supports Obama’s policies.

So there is a long time from now to November,and that means a long time for mud to be thrown on the challengers. To get an idea of the hack-etry that Kasich and Portman will be up against, look here and here.

A glorious day for America

Bart Stupak, principled man of character

It’s been a long time since my last post, which happened to be on this topic. A lot of things occurred since.

With the historic election of Scott Brown in Massachussetts, many people (myself especially) thought that this plan was DOA and the despicable backroom deals that came with it. However, I was wrong.

On March 21st and with a 219-212 vote, the United States federal government is now in charge of 1/6 of the economy.

Special thanks go to Bart Stupak, another politician along the lines of Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu that have discarded their principles for a very short-term gain that will bring a lifetime of problems with the passing of this bill. Stupak, who is a “pro-life” Democrat, had said that he would not support this bill unless it has language from his amendment (known as the Stupak-Pitts amendment) in it that specifically protects the Hyde Amendment (prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion). Yesterday, his stance suddenly changed. At 4 p.m. Sunday, he and a group of supposedly pro-life Dems announced that they will support it after receiving assurances from President Obama that he will sign an executive order that will affirm it.

Yep. An executive order. Would someone like to ask Mr. Stupak and his crew if the Mexico City Policy is still in effect?

Abortion was not my main concern with this bill, it was the questionable math that the Democrats came up with to create this point. And although the CBO did say it would save money, they also acknowledge that past ten years the numbers are really uncertain.

CNN has a good summary of how we will pay for it in this article. Higher taxes and forced purchasing of insurance will occur, but here is what stands out to me:

In the first 10 years, the program it is expected to take in more money than it pays out, which is why the CBO says it would reduce the deficit by $70 billion. But in the second decade and beyond, the program is projected to pay out more than it takes in, and will therefore contribute to the deficit.

That’s why some say that the CLASS Act is a budget gimmick that will not contribute to the potential of health reform to reduce the deficit.

When this occurs, who do you think will be paying for it? That’s right, you the taxpayer.

Senate Republicans will fight the noble fight, but in the end, the left has won. We are moving closer to a welfare state than ever before, and we know how that will turnout.

Senate votes to screw over America’s future

Well, it’s official. By a 60-39 vote, the Democratic Majority passed healthcare “reform”. A vote won by certain Senators (see Nelson, Ben and Landrieu, Mary) being bought by the White House using taxpayer dollars. A vote that will FORCE all Americans to buy health insurance. A vote on a bill that the public does not know the full details of. A vote that has many planks that cannot be repealed (thanks to the most biased news network for informing us of that information).

I hope those that are in the age group of 18-35 are happy with their Obama vote. They are the ones that will be part of the many screwed in this.

Merry Christmas!

Feel free to practice something other than medicine….

According to yesterday’s Dispatch, HUD is considering legislation to allow medical workers who oppose abortion and birth control options to not participate if they don’t want to.

I understand that President Bush is a lame duck, but fighting battles like these will do nothing but enhance the view of his term being nothing but partisan.

And if your are a medical professional, remember it is your duty to give your patients the best treatment possible. Can they give patients alternatives to abortion and birth control? Sure. But if that patient wants these options, they should get them because they have a right to those options